Jenny grew up in the suburbs "surounded by supportive people". At the moment, besides that, not much is currently known about Jenny's past. All we know is she currently lives with her girlfriend, Sophie Walten, in the Enfernt Hotel in Brighton, Michigan, that she's a psychology major who's busy with school and that she works in the Enfernt. When we get more information about her backstory, I will definitely update!


From what we know from Bunnyfarm (the episode she appears in), the conversations with Sophie, and other extra info we've gotten from the creator of the series, Jenny is confident, and although a bit snarky at times, she's compassionate, outgoing and willing to stick up for what's right. She's the more assertive in her relationship with Sophie, being the one who confessed to her and who defends her fron nearly getting evicted. Her empathy for others is probably one of, if not her most important trait as a character. Jenny's purpose as a character appears to be to be someone who can support Sophie, who can help her get up when she falls.


- She used to be 5'6, but is now taller than 5'7 (likely about 6')
- She's very good at video games
- She likes 80s pop songs, her theme song would be 'Cherry Bomb' by The Runaways, her favorite band is Blondie and her voice actor says she'd love Weird Al
- If her and Sophie were influencers, they would likely post random things to TikTok
- She always wins against Sophie when playing fighting games
- Her favorite Bon's Burgers characters is Sha, her favorite animals are sheep
- She had seven beta designs and her current one was only decided on in 2021
- Her and Sophie's favorite dates are arcade dates
- She's the type to unintentionally talk the whole time while watching movies (and Sophie loves listening to her talk), she also gets very excited when explaining stuff
- The funniest date her and Sophie ever went out on was when stuff continuously went wrong and Jenny was trying her hardest to make it perfect, but Sophie was just happy to be with Jenny, maybe revealing a more perfectionistic side of Jenny?
- She enjoys cringe 80s anime
- She would eat ice cream for breakfast
- Her last name "Letterson" comes from the word "letterman"
- Her favorite My Little Pony character would be Applejack
- Out of all characters, Jenny would enjoy yuri
- Jenny used to be a stoner in the late 70s, but settled down when she got together with Sophie

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P.S. the "dial" plays music (credit to glenthemes on tumblr)